
Below is the list of accepted workshops that will take place at ICDM 2024.

  1. OEDM: Optimization Based Techniques for Emerging Data Mining Problems

  2. ARRL: Second International Workshop on Adaptable, Reliable, and Responsible Learning

  3. WAIN-24: 4th International Workshop on AI for Nudging and Personalization

  4. DMF 2024: The 2nd International Workshop on Data Mining in Finance

  5. MM4SG 2024: Workshop on Multimodal Content Analysis for Social Good

  6. IncrLearn: Incremental classification and clustering, concept drift, novelty detection, active learning in big/fast data context

  7. AI4FCF : Workshop on AI for Financial Crime Fight

  8. LEMA: LLMs for E-coMmerce Applications

  9. BigIS 2024: Workshop on Information Seeking with Big Models

  10. HDM: The 11-th ICDM Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining

  11. AIDM-AS: Advances in AI-Driven Data Mining for Autonomous Systems

  12. ETDLH 2024: Workshop on Emerging Trends in Deep Learning for Healthcare

  13. SENTIRE: Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction

  14. EDMML: 4th Workshop on Evolutionary Data Mining and Machine Learning

  15. TRUST: Responsible AI to Increase Clinical Decision Trust: Explainability & Reliability of Machine Learning Models

  16. DMS2024: Data Mining for Service

  17. MLC: The 4th Machine Learning for Cybersecurity

  18. DCAI: The 3rd InternationalWorkshop on Data-Centric AI

  19. DMU2: Workshop on Data Mining for User Understanding

  20. DLC’24: Deep Learning and Clustering

  21. SSTDM-24: International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining

  22. CRLW: Causal Representation Learning Workshop

  23. NML: Neverending Machine Learning

  24. DMBIH’24: Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare