Call for ICDM Female Scholar / Student Award

Aims and Scope

This year, ICDM is introducing two awards:

  1. ICDM Young Female Scholar Award in Data Science
  2. ICDM Female Student Award in Data Science

The “Scholar Award” aims to recognize a promising young female researcher who has demonstrated outstanding skills, innovation, and leadership in the field of data science. This award celebrates the achievements of female scholars early in their careers, highlighting their potential to shape the future of data science. The “Student Award” honors a female student whose research and academic endeavors have exhibited exceptional quality and promise, encouraging and supporting the next generation of female data scientists.

Each award carries a prize of $1,000, and only one person will be selected for each. The evaluation for these awards will be determined through nominations and voting by the “Women Award Committee”.

Rule of applicants are as follows:

  • An applicant must has published ICDM papers before. The winner of the ICDM Female Student Award must be a student at the time of the award (not graduated), and the winner of the ICDM Young Female Scholar Award must have received her doctorate within the past ten years (regardless of age, graduation certificate is required).
  • Awards will be presented at the conference Banquet, and the winners must be onsite to receive the award in the Banquet (the nomination requires a commitment to attend the conference).

Please fill-in the Nomination Form and contact Ms. Ada Gong (email: before Oct.7th, 2024, if you want to be nominated for this award.

Women Forum Co-Chairs

  • Prof. Xiaochun Yang, Northeastern University, China
  • Prof. Xiaofeng Gao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Women Award Committee

  • Elena Baralis, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy,
  • Prof. Bhavani Thuraisingham, the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), USA, Fellow of ACM/IEEE/AAAS/NAI/BCS
  • Prof. My T. Thai, the University of Florida, USA, Fellow of IEEE
  • Prof. Xiuzhen Cheng, Shandong University, China, Fellow of IEEE