Instructions for authors

Camera Ready Version Paper Submission

Submit camera ready version paper to IEEE Author’s Kit

Please submit the camera ready version of your paper (PDF) to IEEE Author’s Kit before Oct. 11, 2024 and make sure the authorship information is correct. The following is a URL link to the “Author’s Final Paper Formatting and Submission Instructions” Webpage (IEEE Author’s Kit) for ICDM 2024: IEEE Author’s Kit

If you register before Oct. 11, 2024 but cannot submit camera ready paper to IEEE Author’s Kit on time, you still need to pay $200 late fee. The purpose for this rule is to make sure the conference proceedings can be finished on time.

If you have more than one accepted paper, you have to register for each one individually. There is no discount if you have two or more papers accepted. It is encouraged to have your co-authors to register and attend the conferences as attendees. However, one registration fee only covers one person. One registration can attend all co-located conferences and events.

Regular (short) papers should be limited to a maximum of ten (six) pages, in the IEEE 2-column format, including the bibliography and any possible appendices.

For questions regarding author submissions, please contact Dr. Mingming Gong at