Call for Student Travel Awards

Aims and Scope

The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) has established itself as the world’s premier research conference in data mining. In line with its tradition of academic excellence and commitment to inclusivity, ICDM 2024 continues to offer conference support to participants,with funding support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the IEEE Computer Society. The primary objective of the student travel grants is to promote the diversity of the conference by providing partial financial assistance to participants who would otherwise be unable to attend. Applications are open to full-time students enrolled in degree-granting institutions and early career researchers such as postdoctoral scholars. The maximum amount and type of the grant is determined by the committee, ranging from $500 to $750, and is intended to cover conference expenses partially.

All participants from U.S. institutions are encouraged to apply. Higher priority will be given to individuals who are 1) significantly involved in the conference, 2) from underrepresented backgrounds, and/or affiliated with underrepresented institutions.


The conference offers various levels of awards, ranging from $500 to $750. The primary aim of these grants is to offset the expenses associated with a grantee’s participation, including student registration fee, hotel accommodations, and airfare. Note that the awardees will still be responsible for their own conference registration and travel arrangements, and the fund will be granted after the conference through reimbursement.

Application Procedure

Students interested in applying for travel grants should compile their application into a single PDF file and include the following components:

  1. CV (Curriculum Vitae): This document should clearly state the current institution where the applicant is enrolled or employed.
  2. Applicant’s Letter: A concise statement by the applicant that covers:
    • Their research interests, achievements, and future research plans.
    • An explanation of how the grant will further their research goals.
    • Any additional information that the student deems relevant, such as paper titles and the names and affiliations of co-authors if the student is an author.
  3. Advisor’s Recommendation Letter: A letter from the student’s advisor that includes:
    • Confirmation that the applicant was a student in good standing at the time the paper was submitted to ICDM.
    • A description of how the applicant will benefit from attending ICDM.
    • An explanation of why the student requires the attendance grant.
  4. Student/Staff ID Copy: A copy of the student’s or staff member’s identification card, featuring their full name, photograph, and affiliation with the institution.


These documents should be consolidated into a single PDF file and submitted to the with the title “ICDM 2024 Student Travel Award Application”. Any submissions with a wrong format or after the deadline will be disregarded.

Please note that any applications submitted in formats other than PDF will not be considered.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 25, 2024, at 11:59 pm, Anywhere on Earth. Late submissions or documents in alternative formats will not be accepted. Applicants can anticipate notification of the outcome within one or two weeks following the application deadline. For any inquiries or questions related to the travel award, please direct your emails to the Student Travel Award Chair, Dr. Yi He, at